Welcome back to school!Welcome back to school!Welcome back to school!
We had author, Jerry Pallotta, visit us on Friday 5/17/24. He read and spoke to our students. What great fun!We had author, Jerry Pallotta, visit us on Friday 5/17/24. He read and spoke to our students. What great fun!
Mrs. Webber's third grade class on the third grade field trip to Elzinga Farm and Greenhouse.Mrs. Webber's third grade class on the third grade field trip to Elzinga Farm and Greenhouse.
Mrs. Walters’ class did an amazing job with their historical figure presentations. The picture shows the students dressed in character for their presentations.Mrs. Walters’ class did an amazing job with their historical figure presentations. The picture shows the students dressed in character for their presentations.
We are so proud of our Girls on the Run team who completed their practice 5K yesterday in preparation for our end of season 5K on May 18th.We are so proud of our Girls on the Run team who completed their practice 5K yesterday in preparation for our end of season 5K on May 18th.
Junior Achievement Day at Protsman: The volunteers presented lessons and engaged our students in activities related to financial literacy, life skills, workforce readiness, and economics.Junior Achievement Day at Protsman: The volunteers presented lessons and engaged our students in activities related to financial literacy, life skills, workforce readiness, and economics.
Congratulations to our Math Bowl team. They competed and placed 2nd in the regional competition and 22nd in the state. A huge thank you to our coaches, Mrs. McGrath and Mrs. Triveline and to the team for all their hard work.Congratulations to our Math Bowl team. They competed and placed 2nd in the regional competition and 22nd in the state. A huge thank you to our coaches, Mrs. McGrath and Mrs. Triveline and to the team for all their hard work.
Mrs. Popa and her kindergarten students safely watch the eclipse on 4/8/24 through their special eclipse glasses.Mrs. Popa and her kindergarten students safely watch the eclipse on 4/8/24 through their special eclipse glasses.
Teachers Melanie Venturelli and Sharon Cornwell from Protsman Elementary School were recently recognized by Dr. Yolanda Bracey, our Director of Elementary Education. Both teachers completed an in-depth series of modules on the Science of Reading and received a certificate and stipend from the Indiana Department of Education for their time and dedication. Congratulations to both!Teachers Melanie Venturelli and Sharon Cornwell from Protsman Elementary School were recently recognized by Dr. Yolanda Bracey, our Director of Elementary Education. Both teachers completed an in-depth series of modules on the Science of Reading and received a certificate and stipend from the Indiana Department of Education for their time and dedication. Congratulations to both!Teachers Melanie Venturelli and Sharon Cornwell from Protsman Elementary School were recently recognized by Dr. Yolanda Bracey, our Director of Elementary Education. Both teachers completed an in-depth series of modules on the Science of Reading and received a certificate and stipend from the Indiana Department of Education for their time and dedication. Congratulations to both!

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